We had a great Easter - went to church and dressed Declan in his sunday best. Then our neighbors had an Easter egg hunt and their twin boys were just amazed by Declan. They brought him toy after toy and kept wanting to hug the baby.
7 months, 6/13/08 - Standing while holding onto couch
7 months, 06/07/08 - Crawling
7 months, 06/02/08 - First teeth
7 months, 05/27/08 - Pushing to Sitting Position
6 months, 05/08 - Sitting
5 months, 04/18/08 - First Swim
4 months, 03/08 - Rice Cereal
2 months, 12/07 - Smiling
Tate's Milestones
4.5 months rolling over both ways and solids
7 months sitting up
8 months crawling
9 months pulling up
9.5 months cruising (and trying to stand unassisted)
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