Declan has mastered the art of getting on all fours, however he's not sure what to do after that. Most of the time he ends up moving backwards or sideways.
Declan is not a big chicken fan...but he does love mashed bananas and sweet potatoes and squash. As you can see, Chester is always on the lookout for scraps.
7 months, 6/13/08 - Standing while holding onto couch
7 months, 06/07/08 - Crawling
7 months, 06/02/08 - First teeth
7 months, 05/27/08 - Pushing to Sitting Position
6 months, 05/08 - Sitting
5 months, 04/18/08 - First Swim
4 months, 03/08 - Rice Cereal
2 months, 12/07 - Smiling
Tate's Milestones
4.5 months rolling over both ways and solids
7 months sitting up
8 months crawling
9 months pulling up
9.5 months cruising (and trying to stand unassisted)